Ultrafast Spectrometers
2DQuick IR
2D IR Spectrometer
Our easy-to-use 2D IR spectrometer with rapid-scan data collection for high signal-to-noise.
2DQuick Visible
2D Visible Spectrometer
2D visible spectrometer capable of rep rates up to 100 kHz.
2DQuick Transient
Transient absorption + 2D
Transient absorption spectrometer, upgrade now or later with 2D.
Femtosecond Pulse Shapers
available at all wavelengths: UV through mid-IR, from 250 nm to 18 um
QuickShape IR
Mid-IR Pulse Shaper
A highly engineered and user-friendly mid-IR pulse shaper with advanced software.
QuickShape Visible
Visible/Near-IR Pulse Shaper
Flexible, high-rep-rate pulse shaper for the visible and near-IR.
Mid-IR Detection
Next-Gen Mid-IR Detector
16,384 high-quality MCT pixels with advanced electronics for transient IR, 2D IR and IR imaging.
JackHammer NEW!
100 kHz Mid-IR Detector
Low-noise, high-rep MCT detection for
100 kHz rep. rate ultrafast spectroscopy
Volt IR NEW!
IR Spectroelectrochemical Cell
Plasmon-enhanced sample cell for IR spectroelectrochemistry in transmission mode
Other Products
Our advanced but user-friendly software package for pulse shaping and data acquisition. |
Our cheapest and most compact 2D spectrometer using mid-IR pulse shaping technology. |
Custom Solutions
Contact us for information on custom designed solutions for nonlinear spectroscopy and other femtosecond techniques. |